

Coming Up: Globalquerque

On Spetember 20th and 21st, attend the event that brings together cultures from all over the world!

Coming Up: Globalquerque

Globalquerque is a two day festival featuring performers, food, music, and crafts from all cultures.  It’s fun for the whole family, educational, and delicious!


Most people have enjoyed Chinese food, Mexican cuisine – even Polish kielbasa, but have you ever tried Kenyan food?  At Globalquerque, try dishes from cultures you’ve never experienced, cooked by natives to the area.  Jambo Hapa will be present, offering traditional Kenyan dishes, Voila Crepes will be serving French food, and Nath’s Inspired Khmer Cuisine will be cooking up some East and South Asian recipes.


As society and technology lead us to be more connected despite distance, it’s even more important to learn about other cultures.  Various workshops will be offered during the festival, allowing you to gain insight into Chinese diversity and culture, traditional cultural dances, and social issues around the world.  Check the website for a full schedule, and plan on hitting at least a few!

Global Village

Start your holiday shopping early in the Global Village, where artisans will be selling their own handiwork.  Elevate Nepal offers hemp bags, and Hoon Arts has fashion and accessories from Central Asia.  Jambo Imports sells kitchenware and home decor from Kenya and East Africa.  Browse the booths to see unique pieces that you can’t find anywhere else!


Various musicians and dance troupes will be performing at Globalquerque.  See 47Soul, an electronic Arabic group, or Vivalda Dula, who sings Afro-pop.  Yandong Grand Singers is an acapella choir of farmers from the Yandong province of China, and you can even listen to Middle Eastern classical music from Sahba Motallebi!

The event is about coming together as people, and on top of being educational, it’s fun for adults and kids alike, so don’t miss Globalquerque!